Over 72 people took part in our seminar, 23 of which showed their physical presence in the auditorium and 49 joined by zoom link (https://zoom.us/j/94496444738). Dr Purnima mainly focused on the following areas:
1. Evolution and Programme Profile of CEFIPRA
2. Calls and Deadlines under Core Programmes, and Eligibility
3. Areas supported under CSPR, and Funding Support Provided
4. Industry-Academia Research & Development Programme (IARDP)
5. Raman-Charpak Fellowship
6. Indo-French Centre for Applied Mathematics (IFCAM)
7. TBD-CEFIPRA-Bpifrance
8. DST-CEFIPRA Women Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme, etc.
Many questions were asked on behalf of research scholars, faculties, students, etc. and Dr Purnima helped to clear all the doubts of attendees. She also shared some success stories.
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