Dr. D. K. Avasthi
Dean R&D
He comes with close to 38 years of deep professional and personal experience in teaching and research in Higher Education. Before joining us, he has served as:
• Advisor, Amity Centre for Advance Research & Innovation
• Professor, Director, Amity Institute of Nanotechnology and Director, Directorate of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Noida
• Scientist at Inter University Accelerator Centre, Delhi Formerly known as ‘Nuclear Science Centre’ Delhi
• Scientist Defence Research Development Laboratory, Hyderabad
He has several international collaborations like LMU Munich, Stuttgart university, Kiel university in Germany, Padova university Italy, CNSM Orsay France, NIMS Tsukuba Japan, Polytechnique university St Petersburg Russia. He has travelled all around the world and has multiple laurels to his accord. Some of them are as below:
• Fellow of Institute of Physics, UK
• Recipient of BOYSCAST fellow award for research in Tsukuba University, Japan for three months, Japan by Deptt. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India in 1991.
• Recipient of DAAD fellowship for research at Tandem Accelerator Laboratory, Munich by Deutscher Akademisch Austachsdienst, Bonn for 3 months from 15th September 1996.
• Yuva Shakti Puraskar in Science by Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad, ABVP, in 1985.