Indo French Water Networking Workshop (IFWN) 24th - 25th Feb 2017
Water related issues are diversified in nature and ranging from various fundamental research based challenges to management, policy and societal awareness, it is essential to employ an integrated approach with the complete synergy of technolo-gy, management, policy and commercialization therefore the workshop is aimed to propose and address the challenges in multi-disciplinary patterns. This is customized program for academicians, researchers, students and interested individuals to share, exchange the views of water treatment and management and to have a network of researchers in this area to address the associated challenges.

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For Poster:
- Size: A0 (33.1 X 46.8 Inch).
- Content: 20%, Graphical: 80%
- Best 3 Poster (28 March, 2018).
- Boarding, lodging and registration fee will be sponsored for limited number of posters as per reviewers comments and recommendations for encouraging innovative ideas of researchers.
Indo-French Water Networking Program
Indo French Water Networking Workshop (IFWN)