Role of Microbes / Algae in Wastewater Treatment
Disposal of wastewater from an industrial plant is a challenging and expensive problem. Most petroleum refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants have onsite facilities to treat their wastewaters so that the pollutant concentrations in the treated wastewater comply with the local and/or national regulations regarding disposal of wastewaters into community treatment plants or into rivers, lakes or oceans. The environmental challenges posed by industrial processes, such as paper and pulp production, which produce a lot of wastewater lead to development of processes for recycling of water before its final treatment and disposal. This seminar will present the recent advancement in the methodology and laboratory techniques of wastewater treatment using biological means such as microbes and algae. Eminent speakers from industries and reputed institutions will address key issues in the treatment of wastewater from various sources

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Microbial types, their metabolism and problems during treatment of activated sludge processes and control strategy.
Algae, its metabolism, associated problems and control strategy.
Wastewater to energy and fuels.
Issues and Challenges in the wastewater Industry.
Prof. V. Sivasubramaniam
Director, Phycospectrum Environmental Research Centre (PERC)
Expertise: Algae based bio-remediation technology, to manage a variety of industrial effluents including chemical, textile and leather industries.
Prof. Arun Kumar
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi
Expertise: Water reuse; Emerging water contaminants (Nanoparticles), Water treatment, Environmental statistics and quantitative decision-making.
Prof. Raja Chowdhury
Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee
Expertise: Algal bio-energy, Growth Kinetics, biofilm, valuable products Ecological consequences from bioenergy.
National Seminar On Role of Microbes / Algae in Wastewater Treatment